Friday, October 19, 2012

3D Street Art: This is Awesome!

3D street art is an emerging art form that is totally cool. These artists, known as "chalk artists", draw two-dimensional paintings using the street or sidewalk as their canvas.  When completed, the paintings give the viewer a 3D perspective when looked at from the right angle. Here are some of my favorites that I have found. Enjoy!

Edgar Mueller's "Hot River"

Julian Beevers "Coca-Cola"

Joe & Max's "Ninja Turtles"

Zeon Santos' "Pac-Man"

Manfred Strater's "Be careful where you park your car"

Julian Beevers "Crazy River"

Here is a video of famous chalk artist Julian Beever, aka the Pavement Picasso, drawing his "Crazy River" piece: 

And a link to a collection of 3D street art. Thanks for checking it out!


  1. This is so cool! I really like the hot river painting.

  2. This is a mind-blowing art form. I always wonder if they look as crazy and realistic in real life as they do in the pictures.
