Reviewing and recommending the art scene for college students by college students!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Introducing Throw Back Thursdays!
Today is the very first installment of Throw Back Thursdays. I will post a song(s) every Thursday that brings you back in time. You might know it or you might not. Either way, I am here to entertain you and will do my best to post some of the jams that were made famous while our generation grew up. I'll try to spare you all from songs like, "Who let the dogs out" or "Tub thumping" (two of my favorites back in the day) as those now, well simply, they suck. So without further or do I give you the first song of Throw Back Thursdays (kind of...). Enjoy!
"Jaaam" by Pogo
This is a mash-up from the show, "The Fresh-Prince of Bel air" made by
Pogo. This artist has become famous for using clips from Pixar movies
like "Up" to create unique mash-up songs. Something I also like about
Pogo is that he includes the original video clips that he uses to make
his songs in his finished projects.
I'm pumped to see what's gonna be next! Throwback's are where it's at