Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Top 10 Music Discoveries of 2010-12

Thinking back on the past two-going-on-three years that I've been a college student, I've discovered so much great music--in my opinion, that is. Therefore, I thought it might be fun to introduce you all to ten of my favorite discoveries (and rediscoveries) of 2010-2012.

10. Arcade Fire: Okay, so Arcade Fire isn't exactly a discovery. They're a band I've always known about--I've heard their songs on the radio for years. However, it wasn't until I was a freshman that I took the time to research their albums. After that, I knew I had to own them all. To this day, I can't listen to "Funeral" or "The Suburbs" without thinking of sitting in my Poli-Sci class and doodling song-lyrics from them in the margins of my notes!
Click the read-more to see the rest of the list!

9. The Bird and The Bee: Aww, The Bird and The Bee. I'm having all sorts of nostalgic feelings just thinking about them. I stumbled on this band thanks to Grooveshark's Indie radio the second semester of my freshman year. Their album "Ray Guns are not Just the Future" was the "Aim and Ignite" of that semester--I owe my sanity to them! The Bird and The Bee's music is relaxing, 'feel good' and possesses a retro vibe that I absolutely love.

8.  Islands:  I discovered Islands during spring semester of last year, from the suggestion of my radio. All of Islands' music has a quirky quality about it, which I love. However, they have the ability to maintain their unique sound while from covering subject matter that is particularly dark (especially noticeable in their album, "Arm's Way"). This combination is something that I can't get enough of!

7. Everything Everything:  Everything Everything is a band that I fell in love with even though they've only released one album. I couldn't help it, though. "Man Alive" possesses a mixture of wonderful sounds, powerful beats, and the harmonies! Even the slower songs from the album have an underlying sense of... life to them. (It's so hard to describe!) I can't wait to hear what they come out with next.

6. Marina & The Diamonds: I was first exposed to Marina & The Diamonds after watching this amazing music video last December. Generally, I gauge whether or not I like music depending on if I get 'chills' while listening it. And as I was watching the video, and later listening to the album, I did. With lyrics that resonate with me combined with Marina's amazing voice, "The Family Jewels" is an album that I will continue to play over and over again! (Her most recent album is "Electra Heart".)

5. Patrick Wolf:  I first listened to Patrick Wolf after my friend suggested him to me a few months ago, and am I grateful for that suggestion! Patrick Wolf is, in my opinion, such a unique artist. All of his songs possess a certain strange power to them that I am extremely enamored by. I cannot recall where, but I read that one of Patrick Wolf's goals with his music is to inspire happiness in others--and that is something that makes me appreciate him even more. I can listen to "The Bachelor" on repeat for hours!

4. Beirut: When I listen to Beirut, I instantly get transported back to winter break of 2010. The snow is falling, my icicle lights are emitting a warm glow, and it's just me, Beirut, my computer, and a hot cup of coffee. Nights like that coupled with the fact that I was so happy after surviving my first semester of college keeps this band close to my heart, because of the place it brings me back to. Musically, Beirut has such a unique sound, and let's face it, I'm a sucker for horns. Their lyrics and melodies are beautiful, and they will always be a favorite to play as I unwind after a tough day of classes. 

3. Janelle Monáe: A more recent discovery, I first listened to Janelle Monáe last summer thanks to a recommendation by my sister. She's mostly known in the 'mainstream' for her vocals on "We Are Young" by Fun., but Janelle's individual work is absolutely outstanding. Janelle possesses the ability to masterfully combine and utilize a variety of musical genres within a single song, let alone a single album. Her albums, "Metropolis: The Chase Suite" and "The ArchAndroid" are a must-listen. I can't wait until her next release!

2. Wild Beasts: Wild Beasts popped on my radar thanks to my radio last February...and to be honest, I never suspected to be as into them as I am today. However, when the radio started to play songs from their album "Smother", I knew I couldn't get enough! "Smother" possesses a combination of playfulness (which is heavily characteristic of their earlier work), and maturity that complement each other very well due to the smooth flow of the album. After I purchased Wild Beast's entire discography, I managed to rack up 750 listens according to my profile. According to that alone, I just might like them... a lot.

And last, but certainly not least... 

1.  The Dear Hunter: I discovered The Dear Hunter through my iTunes Radio (forever in debt to iTunes for this!) the summer of my freshman year of college. The song was "This Beautiful Life" from their album "Act III: Life and Death". I was blown away by lead singer Casey Crescenzo's vocals, and when I get chills from a song.... it's over. I'm in love. While I'm a huge fan of the "Act" albums (there are three so far--they cover a story), it is actually their most recent album, "The Color Spectrum" that cemented the band as one of my favorites of all time. "The Color Spectrum" is 36 songs that aim to capture a variety of moods and sounds that correspond with different colors, and The Dear Hunter accomplishes this beautifully. According to my profile, I've listened to the band a total of 1,202 times--and that number is only going to increase! I'd give anything to see them live.

Honorable mentions: of Montreal, Man Man,  Metric, Coheed and Cambria, Voxtrot, Florence & The Machine... oh my gosh, narrowing my favorite discoveries down to ten was so hard! And to note: Fun. would have been on the list, but because I gave them their own post, I only thought it was fair to exclude them.)


  1. Great list. If you like the islands you should check out the unicorns. Have you heard of them? I think 2 of the members from the unicorns left and started the islands. The unicorns are a bit more raw, but in a really fun way.

    1. Thank you!

      And yes, actually! I have listened to The Unicorns. :D
      (I did some research about them after I got into Islands.)

      They're great--I completely agree about their rawness.

  2. Awesome list! I'm definitely gonna have to check out the ones I haven't heard of (I love Marina & the Diamonds, Patrick Wolf and Janelle Monae). I'm newly obsessed with Of Monsters and Men and Imagine Dragons.

  3. I was going to recommend Of Monsters and Men based on this list! I also think you'd love The Head and the Heart and Good Old War (both bands who have come to Higher Ground multiple times in the past two years!) :)

  4. @ Claire: Thank you!

    @ Claire and Gabriela: Ooo, I'm going to have to check out Of Monsters and Men now. I've heard (and loved) "Six Weeks"--but I will definitely listen to more of their songs. :]

    And I'm excited to take a listen to the other bands I'm not familiar with--thank you for the suggestions!

  5. Yes yes yes! Love Marina and the Diamonds especially. Awesome list. Can we swap ipods?

  6. Nice list. The Funeral is one of my favorite albums of all time. You should check out St. Vincent if you haven't already and my most recent more folky discovery Ben Howard you might be into too. Thanks for the new tunes!
