Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This past week I was fortunate to go home for Thanksgiving break. I was even more fortunate in that I was able to go see Joseph Gordon Levitt speak on behalf of his new undertaking, hitRECord.  

This project is a mass collaboration movement of the arts.  
Artist, singers, dancers, animators and many more post their material to the website, combine with others, remix and revise in an international effort for creative mashups.  
Some of my favorites include "Strawberry Bootlaces" and "Mademoiselle Noir."  
Through this project, JGL has also published two volumes of the "Tiny Book of Tiny Stories."  

Anyone can sign up.  
Push your creative boundaries and hitRECord!


  1. I love collaborative art projects, and I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt, so this seems awesome!

  2. Wow this is really cool! I had fun watching all of the videos
