Saturday, October 27, 2012

Code Poetry

Since we are all working on designing our nameplate pages, I thought I'd share this book that I stumbled upon. It is, as the title suggests, a collection of poems made from...code! I need one.

Ishac Bertran began this project in February, 2012 by asking people to send him poems written in coding language. But why? Bertran explains, "Code can speak literature, logic, maths. It contains different layers of abstraction and it links them to the physical world of processors and memory chips. All these resources can contribute in expanding the boundaries of contemporary poetry by using code as a new language. Code to speak about life or death, love or hate. Code meant to be read, not run". After the invitation, Bertran received over 200 submissions, but chose 55 to include in the book called code {poems}.

Some of the "coding language" featured in code {poems} is HTML, C#, SQL, C++, Objective C, Applescript and Java. 

I think the entire concept of this book is beautiful. I've been playing around with HTML since I was 13 years old--and while I have much to learn, coding is something that is close to my heart. While there were only 100 copies of the book printed, the project site suggests that there will be a second edition of the book in the future.

Until next time!


  1. it would be awesome to be so good at coding that you could create poetry from it!

  2. Hahaha this is awesome! I'm going to struggle with the coding... I want to read this book!

  3. If that's the outlet of someone's expression then why not??
